Advanced Mechatronic Services, Inc. - Applied Mechatronics-- Developers of CDAS , the hybrid CD-ROM based InfoSystem that grows with your requirements.
CDAS/Web for Photo CD
DocuVenture, Inc. - Specializes in World Wide Web marketing strategies; slideshows and multimedia presentations; CD-ROM production; and third-party partners programs with an emphasis on UNIX and Solaris.
DocuVenture New Media Marketing Services
Elektroson - Provides CD-Recordable and cross-platform CD mastering software.
Hyperion - A tool for playing audio CD's through the headphone jack of your CD-ROM drive.
Illustra Information Technologies - Illustra's ORDBMS technology is the database for multimedia and other rich, complex data. Webmasters the world over have found that managing a large Web site is in fact a multimedia asset management problem, and they are turning to Illustra to solve it.
Illustra Server
NetPhonic Communications, Inc. - Make touchtone phone calls to Web-On-Call equipped websites to listen to, receive fax, e-mail, or postal mail copies of web documents.
Web on Call
Osprey Technologies, Inc., - A subsidiary of MultiMedia Access Corporation, specializes in the development, integration, and production of high- performance, cost-effective video-enabling products for SBus- and PCI-based platforms. Osprey Technologies, Inc.'s products include the SLIC- Video video capture card and the Osprey-1000 video/audio processor card.
SLIC-Video , Osprey-1000
Starlight Networks - Develops and markets digital multimedia networking software products for use in video-on-demand and live video network multimedia applications.
StarWorks , StarWare